FORMAT=years months days hours minutes or seconds NOW 1 and NOW 2= yesterday today tomorrow or a date in mm/dd/yy/ or dd month yy form or a time hh:mm:ss and it seems just about any way you can describe a date or time!
The parser also understands timezone names ie. BST PST UTC etc and things like "last tuesday"!
You can set a default file to be included if the file does not exist
If "foo" does not exist then "bar" is included
Include a random file from a folder of TEXT files The text files can contain text html tags or scripts re-load the page to change the included files
You can also do multiple random includes from the same folder You will have to add an extra operator/argument pair before the file operator This is to force the random sequence to the next value It can be anything but x will do
Widgets will not work in multiple random includes
This function will produce a random number between val1 and val2 inclusive
<xt:random from="val1" to="val2" />
Multiple calls on one page using the same input values will produce the same output.
1st call 5525
2nd call 5525
To cure this add another operator/argument pair I'm using x
Change the value of x to change the output.
The value of x can be almost anything.
This function returns the url that the visitor came from
local="y" only local urls are returned default="http://default url" the default url for non supporting browsers or if the page is accessed from the address bar or for off site referer when local is set
This function returns the current url This XTfunction has 3 parameters which can be combined to give various outputs
The full URL of the page
The path to the page/tutorial/Hiddenxtfunctions
The domain of the
Urlencode the
Strip the query string from the output
Get device template
This function has a output of "web" "mobile" or "touch"
which indicates the type of device accessing the page.