do not copy code using translator
The text in these boxes is what appears on the editor pageThe text in these boxes is the actual cssThe INTERNAL stylesheetThe internal stylesheet is used to set classes that will only apply to the current page.
You can override or add to styles set in your creator_template.css file
The interface Is similar in operation to the building tool.
Except to navigate you click on the
NAMEin the listing
To use The more advanced options you will need some understanding of CSS (cascading style sheets)
Css TutorialNOTE: Some mobile browsers will not use the full set of css property optionsCss size and length unitsHow Things are measured in css
css sizesBackgroundBackground colorAdd a background color to the class
Choose from the selection list or add a color hex code
css colorsExampleThe quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
[E + -] Background color: Yellowbackground-color: yellow;Background imageAdd a background image to the class
You can use a single image or a repeating tile
Examplecss background imagesThis is the image we will be using it has a transparent background color you are welcome to use it.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
[E + -] Background image: url( url(;Background repeatSelect how the background image should be repeated
ExampleA non repeating background
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
[E + -] Background repeat: No Repeatbackground-repeat: no-repeat;Background scrollingThis option may not work on mobile browsersSelect whether the background is fixed or scrolls with the page
[E + -] Background scrolling: Fixedbackground-attachment: fixed;This page has a fixed background
Background positionselect the position of the background image
ExampleThe quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Use the selection options or enter your own values.
[x% y%] The first value is the horizontal position and the second value is the vertical. The top left corner is 0% 0%. The right bottom corner is 100% 100%. If you only specify one value, the other value will be 50%. . Default value is: 0% 0%
[xpos ypos] The first value is the horizontal position and the second value is the vertical. The top left corner is 0 0. Units can be pixels (0px 0px) or any other CSS units. If you only specify one value, the other value will be 50%. You can mix % and positions
[E + -] Background position: Center / Centerbackground-position: center center;Background shorthandin "custom css" this Whole thing can be written in a shorthand form
[E + -] background: yellow url( no-repeat fixed center centerbackground: yellow url( no-repeat fixed center center;BorderBorder widthSet the width of the border
[E + -] Border width: 3pxBorder styleChoose the style of the border
[E + -] Border style: DoubleBorder colorSelect the color of the border
[E + -] Border color: MaroonExamplecss bordersThis has a 3px double maroon border
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
border-width: 3px; border-style: double; border-color: maroon;border shorthandBorders can also be added using "custom css"
[E + -] border: 3px double maroonborder: 3px double maroon;NOTE: Double ridge and groove borders must be at least 3px wide