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There are many ways to add css styles to your pages
Page stylesheets
Each page has a internal stylesheet editor (at the top or in quick links) that sets classes just for that page.You can create new classes or overrule styles and values and add extra styles and values to classes defined in your global css file
Internal Stylesheet editor
XtGem site templates
You can also select a site template from the main panel menu this will create a file named creator_template.css that holds global css for your site.
You will need a understanding of css code to edit this file.
Htmldog basic css tutorial
For Advanced users wishing to use css3 see this site
I have a archive of the old Xtgem stylesheets
Version 1 site templates
If you want to add your own stylesheet to a page or site there are a couple of different ways
  1. Add a import to the top of your creator_template.css
  2. Add a link to the head tags of the page (stylesheet will only apply to that page)
  3. Create a PLAIN TEXT file named _headtags in your main file browser and add a link code as above (stylesheet will only apply to ALL pages)
Tip: If you are using xtgem on a mobile and have difficulty editing large text files try switching to the WML template of XtGem which has a line editor for text files
Offering mobile and web css alternatives
1/ select one of the Xtgem templates. This will create a file called creator_template.css
2/ Delete any classes or style elements not common to both the web and mobile css
3/ create files named mymob.css and myweb.css and add your mobile or web specific css styles and classes to them
4/ add these two lines to the TOP of the creator_template.css file
@import url("mymob.css") handheld;
@import url("myweb.css") screen;
All the work is done by the import statements.
handheld=mobile/mobile view
screen=computer/web view
This will be used for ALL pages

operamini 4.2 users can press 1 to switch view

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©2010 - 2025 Graham.yn.lt
© MMXXV Graham