do not copy code using translator

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CreateThis opens your index page into the building tool
File BrowserThis opens your main folder into the file browser
Upgrade/Subscription detailsThis opens the upgrade page.
If you have upgraded your subscription details will be shown
Site TemplatesTo set your site up for global css choose one of these templates.
This will create a file named creator_template.css
to learn how to edit this file see
htmldog css beginners tutorial
For more information about css on xtgem see the Stylesheet Page
MarketCheck this page to install the latestWidgets
EarningsXtGems CPC earnings program is currently suspended due to high levels of fraud MessagesSend messages to other xtgem users. Enter their site name and domain without http:// or www
Currently does not support BBcode or smiliesFriendsEnter a friends site name to send a friends requestSettingsPasswordReset your login password here
Email and password reminderSet your registered email address or enter your email activation code.

The activation code will be in the email sent when you register a email address (check your bulk/spam folder for the email if you cannot find it in your inbox).
Registering a email address is the only sure way to recover lost passwords.Domain parkingGet your own domain name and "park" it to your XtGem site
You can buy domains but most users start with a free one
make sure you select custom or own dns (domain name server)

On the domain issuing site
Ensure you have set the name servers :


In the domain parking settings of Xtgem.
Set the domain to be parked as
(NO http:// or www.)
IT MAY TAKE UP TO 72 HOURS FOR THE NAME SERVERS TO REFRESH AND ALLOW YOU TO PARK YOUR DOMAIN.Look and feelSet the order that files and folders are listed in the file browser
Selects if the Xtgem tips show in the interface
Select if html pages should open with the building tool or the text editor.
Personal informationHere you can enter your personal details
Contact and SupportContact xtgem here
Automatic LoginTo prevent entering your username and password each time when logging in, use a specially generated secret URL
DescriptionSubmit your XtGem site to our site catalog
CouponsCoupons are used to activate premium functions

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©2010 - 2025 Graham.yn.lt
© MMXXV Graham